EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Two Different Types of Fish |
Stock Number FFL79 |
Nematonotus longispinus, Scombroclupea gaudryi
Age: Middle Cretaceous
Formation: Cenomanian Layers
Location: Hajoula, Lebanon
Size: Nematonotus is 4.5 inches long
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This is an unusual fossil fish plate. It is a large Nematonotus longispinus and Scombroclupea gaudryi from the Cretaceous of Lebanon. Political unrest in Lebanon has made fossil collecting difficult, and very few specimens will be exported in the coming years. Nematonotus longispinus has a very long dorsal fin, with one extremely long dorsal fin spine. The fish has great detail preserved - the tail, fins, and eye socket are all easily seen. The Scombroclupea is preserved in a contraflexed position and is also complete and extremely detailed. Both fossils have great natural color and are beautifully showcased on the oval plate that also has two Carpopenaeus callirostris shrimp preserved on the back side. This is a great multiple example of these two distinct fossil fish from the Middle East.